Figure 1.
(a) Various reference frames which define the SRLS model: L – laboratory frame, C – global diffusion frame associated with protein shape, C’ – local director frame fixed in the protein, M – local ordering/local diffusion frame fixed in the C-D bond, Q – quadrupolar tensor frame along the C-D bond. (b) Application to methyl dynamics. The simple case of motion about the rotation axis of the methyl group is illustrated. The equilibrium orientation of the CH2D−C bond (Cα−Cβ for alanine, Cβ−Cγ1 and Cβ−Cγ2 for valine, etc.) is taken as the local director, C’. The local ordering frame, M, is assumed in this illustration for simplicity to be axially symmetric. ZM orients preferentially parallel to C’. It also represents the methyl rotation axis, and it is tilted relative to ZQ, i.e., the C−D bond, at βMQ = 110.5° (when rCH = rCD is set equal to 1.115Å − ref. 23). The angle βC'M is the stochastic angle between the instantaneous orientation of the M frame, ZM, and its equilibrium orientation, C’.