Comparison of the analytical model with experimental PRFs. The experimental data were taken at 40 kVp (25.6 keV mean photon energy) with a 170 μm thick CsI scintillator and a 30 μm pinhole. The analytical model was convolved with a 30 μm incident beam profile and then fit to MANTIS data that were generated by taking into account all the details of the actual CsI screen geometry. The MANTIS data were generated with a 100 μm diameter pencil beam incident on a 30 μm pinhole. The incidence angle of the incoming x-ray beam is indicated in the leftmost column, followed by the corresponding experimental PRFs, MANTIS-generated PRFs, analytical model PRFs, and FOMs from the comparison between the experimental and the analytical data. The analytical model was fit to the MANTIS results then a comparison was performed between the analytical model and the experimental data. This procedure was followed as opposed to fitting the analytical model to the experimental data since experimental PRFs will not be available for typical applications. All PRFs are 0.315×0.315 mm2 with 9 μm pixels. Contours are shown for levels of 0.01, 0.05, and 0.1 times the maximum of the PRF.