Fig. 7. Morphological changes of HeLa and HeLa Tat-TetR-Pax6 cells influenced by Pax6 and δ-catenin expression.
A. A moderate upregulation of Pax6(+5a) promotes, whereas its sustained high expression suppresses the extension of cellular protrusions and processes. a: Parental HeLa cells without any treatments as negative control. Arrows: epithelial cell clusters. b: HeLa cells transiently transfected with Pax6(+5a) as positive control. Arrows: cells extending processes. c: HeLa TR cells without doxycycline induction [with moderate level of Pax6(+5a) expression]. Arrows: cells extending processes. d: HeLa TR tet d1 cells at day 1 after doxycycline induction [with increasing Pax6(+5a) expression]. Arrow: cells still showing processes; Arrowheads: cells no longer extending processes. e: HeLa TR tet d3 cells at day 3 after doxycycline induction [with increasingly high Pax6(+5a) expression]. Arrowheads: cells no longer extending processes. f: HeLa TR tet d7 cells with doxycycline induction [with the highest Pax6(+5a) expression] for 3 days and followed by in the absence of induction until day 7. Arrows: cells extending processes. Bar: 50 µm. B. δ-Catenin overexpression promotes the extension of cellular protrusions and processes regardless whether Pax6 is overexpressed. a: HeLa TR cells without doxycycline induction transfected with δ-catenin; b: HeLa TR tet d3 cells with a 3-day doxycycline induction transfected with δ-catenin. Arrows indicate the extension of cellular processes. Bar: 30 µm.