Figure 3. Phylogenetic tree of primate TAAR5 orthologs analyzed for ORF.
The tree is based on generally accepted primate phylogeny as described in [21]. ORF disruptions (ψ highlighted in red) are only found in Philippine tarsier (1bp deletion) and white- and yellow-cheeked gibbon TAAR5 (4bp insertion and 1bp deletion). Positions stated correspond to codon position of the respective mouse ortholog. Detailed information about pseudogenization events is depicted in Figure S5. Below the branches, dN/dS-ratios (ω) that were determined by using a “free ratio” model implemented in PAML are shown. The number of non-synonymous and synonymous substitutions is indicated in parentheses. × indicates branches that were labeled to determine ωψ2 (see Table 1, Table S6).