Figure 2. The frequencies of polar/charged residues in the HC CDR2 and CDR3 regions of B6.Sle1z monoclonal ANAs and non-ANA controls derived from 2 sources.
Depicted are the respective frequencies of the indicated amino acid residues at the HC CDR2 positions, H50, H52, H54, H56 (A–D), and CDR3 positions H95-H100a (E–L), observed among B6.Sle1z derived ANAs (as listed in Table 1) and non-ANAs, as well as NCBI/Genbank derived non-ANA control Abs (Sedrak et al., 2003). In all 3 Ab groups, clonal replicates were represented by one member each; this resulted in a final panel of 32 B6.Sle1z ANAs, 58 B6.Sle1z non-ANAs, and 165 non-ANA mAb HC sequences from NCBI/Genbank. Indicated P-values pertain to Chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test comparisons of ANAs against both groups of non-ANAs, pooled.