Figure 4. Cell type specific expression of the MIIG transgene and responsiveness to IFN-γ in non-macrophage lineage cells from WT and MIIG mice.
A. Dots plots illustrating how each population is defined by flow cytometry. B. Surface myc staining of indicated populations. C. Phospho-STAT1 staining of the indicated population after in vitro stimulation with IFN-γ. Shaded area represents isotype staining (in B) or fluorescence intensity of phospho-STAT1 in unstimulated cells (in C). D. Expression of the MIIG transgene and β-actin in indicated tissues, as measured by RT PCR of cDNA. Non-hematopoietic tissues were first depleted of CD45+ cells before extraction of RNA, in order to avoid contamination by macrophages. Data are representative of three or more experiments examining greater than 6 mice.