Summary of critical performance objectives that may be used to guide the development of performance indicators in all phases of the heart failure (HF) life cycle
Discharge/transitional care phase | |||||||||
Assessment of cognition in hospitalized older patients before discharge | |||||||||
Assessment of frailty in hospitalized older patients in view of identifying those requiring development of a multidisciplinary care plan | |||||||||
Provision of HF education initiation before discharge, and continuing after discharge, with a focus on the following:
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Provision of a written discharge summary to the primary care physician within 48 h of discharge including the following:
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Outpatient phase | |||||||||
Percentage of eligible patients receiving implantable cardiac defibrillators | |||||||||
Percentage of eligible patients receiving biventricular pacing (CRT) | |||||||||
Percentage of eligible patients receiving beta-blocker therapy | |||||||||
Percentage of eligible patients receiving ACE/ARB therapy | |||||||||
Percentage of eligible patients receiving spironolactone | |||||||||
Percentage of newly diagnosed HF patients who see an HF specialist within 6 weeks | |||||||||
Referral of higher risk HF patients to disease management programs including those with the following:
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Percentage of HF patients admitted to an outpatient clinic within recommended benchmarks:
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Medication review to identify potential drug interactions | |||||||||
Ensure appropriate immunizations (influenza, pneumococcal) | |||||||||
Percentage of HF patients referred to cardiac rehabilitation | |||||||||
Ensure appropriate communication between referring physician and HF clinic/specialist including the following:
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Acute HF | |||||||||
Time to diagnosis of HF in acute decompensated setting | |||||||||
Accuracy of provisional HF diagnosis compared with final discharge diagnosis | |||||||||
Time to initiation of appropriate therapy specific to HF:
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Time of transfer to tertiary care centre for eligible patients with persistent cardiogenic shock | |||||||||
End-of-life planning and care – indicators | |||||||||
Percentage of HF patients who have a documented advanced care directive | |||||||||
Percentage of HF patients who have a proxy decision maker identified | |||||||||
Percentage of HF patients who have a documented discussion on resuscitation preferences | |||||||||
Number of reviews and revisions to a patient’s advanced care directive | |||||||||
Measures of quality end-of-life planning and care
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Percentage of HF patients who die in their place of preference |
ACE Angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB Angiotensin receptor blocker; CRT Cardiac resynchronization therapy; NYHA New York Heart Association functional classification