Figure 8.
(A to D) Representative brightfield photomicrographs showing perikarya immunoreactive for cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) tracer in several brain regions. (A1 to D1) Thionin stained sections adjacent to the sections shown in (A to D). Images (A) and (B) show retrograde labeling in the dorsal (A) and ventral (B) halves of the intermediate third of the subiculum resulting from a CTB deposit within caudal levels of the lateral hypothalamic area, juxtaparaventricular region (LHAjp) (experiment LHA#22). Images (C) and (D) show retrograde labeling in the region of the bed nuclei stria of the terminalis anteromedial area (BSTam) and fusiform nucleus (BSTfu) (C), and central amygdalar nucleus lateral part (CEAl) (D) resulting from a CTB deposit within midrostrocaudal levels of the lateral hypothalamic area, suprafornical region (LHAs) (experiment LHA#11). Approximate boundaries of brain regions (dashed lines) and fiber tracts (finer dashed lines) correspond to those delineated in an atlas of the rat brain (Swanson, 2004). Scale bars = 100 µm.