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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2011 Sep 1.
Published in final edited form as: Brain Res Rev. 2010 Feb 17;64(1):14–103. doi: 10.1016/j.brainresrev.2010.02.002

Table 1.

Relative abundance of retrograde and anterograde labeling resulting from three separate experiments of combined cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) and Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHAL) injections within the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) of male rats; two of these were centered within the LHA juxtaparaventricular region (LHAjp, caudal = experiment LHA#22; rostral = experiment LHA#62), the other (experiment LHA#11) was centered within midrostrocaudal levels of the LHA suprafornical region (LHAs) -- listed as “central LHAs” in column title for brevity. The relative abundance of labeling (retrogradely – CTB – labeled neurons or anterogradely – PHAL – labeled fibers) is represented by the following semi-quantitative grading schema: − = absence of labeling; + = very low; ++ = low; +++ = moderate; ++++ = high; +++++ = very high; +++++* = region of highest amount of retrograde labeling for each experiment. Regions that contained PHAL-labeled axons with the appearance of fibers of passage, or regions that contained only a single CTB-labeled neuron, or PHAL-labeled fiber, are not included in the table (for further details see Fig. 4). The brain region hierarchy follows Swanson (2004).

1. Cerebrum
1.1. Cerebral Cortex
1.1.1. Cortical Plate
  Sensory-motor cortex
    Somatomotor areas
      secondary somatomotor area (MOs) +
    Visceral sensory-motor areas
      infralimbic area (ILA) ++++ ++ ++++
    Olfactory areas
      anterior olfactory nucleus
        posteroventral part (AONpv) +
      tenia tecta
        dorsal part (TTd) +++ ++ ++
        ventral part (TTv) +
        piriform area (PIR) + +
        postpiriform transition area (TR) +
        nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract (NLOT) +
        cortical amygdalar area
          anterior part (COAa) ++ + +
          posterior part
            lateral zone (COApl) + +
            medial zone (COApm) +
    Polymodal association cortex
      anterior cingulate area
        dorsal part (ACAd) ++ ++ +
        ventral part (ACAv) + ++ +
      prelimbic area (PL) ++++ ++ ++
      orbital area
        lateral part (ORBl) +
        medial part (ORBm) +
        ventral part (ORBv) + +
        ventrolateral part (ORBvl) + +
      agranular insular area
        dorsal part (Ald) +++
        ventral part (Alv) +
        posterior part (Alp) ++
      retrosplenial area
        ventral part (RSPv) ++
      hippocampal formation
        retrohippocampal region
          entorhinal area
            lateral part (ENTl) +
            medial part, dorsal zone (ENTm) ++ +
          presubiculum (PRE) + +
          parasubiculum (PAR) ++
            pyramidal layer (SUB-sp) +++++* +++++* ++
       hippocampal region
         Ammon's horn
           field CA1
             pyramidal layer
               deep (CA1spd) +++++* ++++ +
               superficial (CA1sps) ++++ ++
            stratum oriens (CA1so) +
          field CA2 +
            pyramidal layer (CA2sp)
          field CA3
            pyramidal layer (CA3sp) ++
            stratum oriens (CA3so) + +
1.1.2. Cortical Subplate
  Claustrum (CLA) + ++
  Endopiriform nucleus
    dorsal part (EPd) + +
  Basolateral amygdalar nucleus
    posterior part (BLAp) + + +
    anterior part (BMAa) + + +
  Posterior amygdalar nucleus (PA) +
1.2. Cerebral Nuclei
1.2.1. Striatum
  Nucleus accumbens (ACB) ("shell" region) + + + +
    Lateral septal complex
      lateral septal nucleus
        caudal (caudodorsal) part
          dorsal zone
            rostral region (LSc.d.r) ++ ++ ++ ++
            dorsal region (LSc.d.d) +
            lateral region (LSc.d.l) +
            ventral region (LSc.d.v) + + +
          ventral zone
            medial region
              dorsal domain (LSc.v.m.d) + ++ + +
              ventral domain (LSc.v.m.v) + + + +
            intermediate region (LSc.v.i) + +++ ++ +
            lateral region
              dorsal domain (LSc.v.l.d) ++ +
              ventral domain (LSc.v.l.v) + + ++ + +
        rostral (rostroventral) part
          medial zone
            dorsal region (LSr.m.d) +++ +++ + +++ ++++ +
            ventral region
              rostral domain (LSr.m.v.r) + + +++ +++ +
              caudal domain (LSr.m.v.c) + + ++ ++ +
          ventrolateral zone
            dorsal region (LSr.vl.d)
              medial domain (LSr.vl.d.m) +++ +++ + +++++ ++++ +
              lateral domain (LSr.vl.d.l) ++ + + +++++ ++++ +
            ventral region (LSr.vl.v) + + ++ +
          dorsolateral zone
            medial region
              dorsal domain (LSr.dl.m.d) + + ++++ ++++ +
              ventral domain (LSr.dl.m.v) +++ ++ +
            lateral region
              dorsal domain (LSr.dl.l.d) + + +++ ++ ++
              ventral domain (LSr.dl.l.v) + + +
        ventral part (LSv) + + +
      septofimbral nucleus (SF) + + + +++ ++ +
      septohippocampal nucleus (SH) + + ++
    Anterior amygdalar area (AAA) +
    Central amygdalar nucleus
      medial part (CEAm) + + +
      lateral part (CEAl) +++
      capsular part (CEAc) + + +
    Medial amygdalar nucleus
      anterodorsal part (MEAad) ++ + ++ ++ ++
      anteroventral part (MEAav) + +
      posterodorsal part
        sublayer a (MEApd-a) + + +
        sublayer b (MEApd-b) + +
        sublayer c (MEApd-c) + +
      posteroventral part (MEApv) + +
1.2.2. Pallidum
  Substantia innominata (SI) ++++ + ++++
  Medial septal complex
    Medial septal nucleus (MS) ++++ +++ +++ ++ + +
    Diagonal band nucleus (NDB) ++ + +++ +++ +++ +
  Triangular nucleus septum (TRS) + + ++ +
  Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis
    Anterior division
      anterolateral area (BSTal) + +++ + +++
      anteromedial area (BSTam) ++ ++++ +++ + +++++*
      dorsomedial nucleus (BSTdm) ++ + +++ + + ++
      fusiform nucleus (BSTfu) +++
      ventral nucleus (BSTv) + ++ ++ + +
      magnocellular nucleus (BSTmg) ++ + +
    Posterior division
      principal nucleus (BSTpr) +++ ++ +++ ++ ++
      interfascicular nucleus (BSTif) +++ ++ + +++ ++ ++
      transverse nucleus (BSTtr) + +
      dorsal nucleus (BSTd) +
2. Cerebellum
3. Cerebrospinal Trunk
3.1 Sensory System
3.1.1. Thalamus
  Sensory-motor cortex related
    Ventral group of the dorsal thalamus
      subparafascicular nucleus thalamus
      magnocellular part (SPFm) + +
      parvicellular part
        lateral division (SPFpl) +
  Polymodal association cortex related
    Lateral group of the dorsal thalamus
      lateral posterior nucleus thalamus (LP) +
    Anterior group of the dorsal thalamus
      anteroventral nucleus thalamus (AV) ++ + +
      anteromedial nucleus thalamus
        dorsal part (AMd) +
        ventral part (AMv) ++
      anterodorsal nucleus thalamus (AD) +
      interanteromedial nucleus thalamus (IAM) +
      interanterodorsal nucleus thalamus (IAD) ++
      lateral dorsal nucleus thalamus (LD) +
    Medial group of the dorsal thalamus
      mediodorsal nucleus thalamus
        medial part (MDm) ++ +
        lateral part (MDl) +
      intermediodorsal nucleus thalamus (IMD) ++ +
      perireuniens nucleus (PR) ++
    Midline group of the dorsal thalamus
      paraventricular nucleus thalamus (PVT) +++ +++ ++++ +++ ++ ++
      paratenial nucleus (PT) ++ ++++ ++ + +
      nucleus reuniens
        rostral division
          anterior part (REa) ++ ++++ + +
          dorsal part (REd) ++ + +
          ventral part (REv) +++++ +
          lateral part (REl) ++ ++++ +
          median part (REm) + +
        caudal division
          caudal part (REc) + + + +
          dorsal part (REcd) +
          median part (REcm) +
    Intralaminar group of the dorsal thalamus
      rhomboid nucleus (RH) + +
      central medial nucleus thalamus (CM) + ++ ++ +
      central lateral nucleus thalamus (CL) + +
      parafascicular nucleus (PF) +
  Reticular nucleus thalamus (RT) + + +
3.1.2. Visual
3.1.3. Somatosensory
3.1.4. Auditory
3.1.5. Gustatory
  Nucleus of the solitary tract, medial part, rostral zone (NTSmr) +++
3.1.6. Visceral
  Nucleus of the solitary tract
    commissural part (NTSco) +
    lateral part (NTSl) +
    medial part, caudal zone (NTSmc) +++ + +
  Parabrachial nucleus
    lateral division
      central lateral part (PBlc) +++ + + ++
      dorsal lateral part (PBld) +
      external lateral part (PBle) + +
      ventral part (PBlv) + +++
    medial division
      medial medial part (PBmm) ++ +
3.1.7. Humerosensory
  Subfornical organ (SFO) ++
3.2. Behavioral state system
  Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCH) +
  Subparaventricular zone (SBPV) +++ +++ +++ ++ +
    Hypothalamic lateral zone, dorsal region (LHAd) ++ ++++ + ++ ++
      Supramammillary nucleus
        medial part (SUMm) + + +
        lateral part (SUMl) ++ + + + +
      Pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) ++ + +
      Pontine reticular nucleus, rostral part (PRNr) ++
      Raphé nuclei
        interfascicular nucleus raphé (IF) +
        interpeduncular nucleus
          lateral subnucleus
            intermediate part (IPNli) +
        rostral linear nucleus raphé (RL) + +
        central linear nucleus raphé (CLI) + +
        superior central nucleus raphé
          lateral part (CSl) +
        dorsal nucleus raphé (DR) ++ +++ + +
        nucleus incertus
          diffuse part (NId) +
        nucleus raphé magnus (RM) +
      Locus ceruleus (LC) +
3.3. Motor System
3.3.1. Behavior Control Column
  Medial preoptic nucleus
    lateral part (MPNl) ++ + ++ ++ ++
    medial part (MPNm) + + ++ + ++
    central part (MPNc) + +
  Anterior hypothalamic nucleus
    anterior part (AHNa) ++ + +++++ +++ +
    central part (AHNc) +++++ +++++ + +++++* ++++ +++
    posterior part (AHNp) +++ +++ + ++ + +
    dorsal part (AHNd) ++ ++ +
  Paraventricular nucleus hypothalamus, descending division
    dorsal parvicellular part (PVHdp) +
    lateral parvicellular part (PVHlp) + ++++ +
    forniceal part (PVHf) ++++
  Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus
    anterior part (VMHa) + ++ + +
    dorsomedial part (VMHdm) ++ +++ + ++++ ++ ++
    central part (VMHc) ++ ++ + ++ ++ +
    ventrolateral part (VMHvl) + ++ + +++ ++ +
  Ventral premammillary nucleus (PMv) + + + +
  Dorsal premammillary nucleus (PMd) ++ +++++ + +
  Mammillary body
    medial mammillary nucleus
      body (MM) ++++
      median part (MMme) +++
  Ventral tegmental area (VTA) + +++ ++ ++ +
  Midbrain reticular nucleus, retrorubral area (RR) ++++ +
  Midbrain reticular nucleus, parvicellular part (MRNp) + +++ +
3.3.2. Superior Colliculus, motor related
  Intermediate gray layer
    sublayer a (SCig-a) +
    sublayer b (SCig-b) + ++ +
    sublayer c (SCig-c) + + + + +
  Deep gray layer (SCdg) + +
3.3.3. Postcerebellar and Precerebellar Nuclei
3.3.4. Vestibulomotor regions
3.3.5. Central Gray
    lateral habenula (LH) +++++ +++++ ++
  Posterior hypothalamic nucleus (PH) +++++ +++++ +++ +++++ +++ +++++
  Periaqueductal gray
    precommissural nucleus (PRC) +++ +++ + +++ ++ +
    commissural nucleus (COM) + +++ + ++
    rostromedial division (PAGrm) + ++++ +++ ++
    rostrolateral division (PAGrl) +
    medial division (PAGm) ++ +++ +++ + +
    dorsal division (PAGd) + + ++ ++ ++ +
    dorsolateral division (PAGdl) + ++
    ventrolateral division (PAGvl) +++ +++ +++++ +++ ++ +++
    nucleus of Darkschewitsch (ND) + +
  Pontine central gray, general
    pontine central gray (PCG) + +++ + ++ +++
    lateral tegmental nucleus (LTN) + + ++
    Barrington's nucleus (B) +++++
3.3.6. Hypothalamic Periventricular Region
  Median preoptic nucleus (MEPO) + ++ ++ + ++++
  Suprachiasmatic preoptic nucleus (PSCH) +
  Anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV) + + ++
  Anterodorsal preoptic nucleus (ADP) + + + +
  Anteroventral preoptic nucleus (AVP) + + +++
  Parastrial nucleus (PS) + ++
  Medial preoptic area (MPO) +++ + +++ +++++ +++ +++++
  Anterior hypothalamic area (AHA) +++ ++ + ++ ++ ++
  Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus
    anterior part (DMHa) +++ ++ ++ ++ + ++
    posterior part (DMHp) + + +++
    ventral part (DMHv) ++ + ++
  Periventricular hypothalamic nucleus, posterior part (PVp) + + + ++
  Internuclear area, hypothalamic periventricular region (I) +++ ++++ + +++ ++ +++
3.3.7 Reticular Formation
  Hypothalamic lateral zone, motor related
    lateral preoptic area (LPO) ++ + +++ ++++ ++ +++
    lateral hypothalamic area, motor related (LHAmo)
      juxtaparaventricular region (LHAjp) ++++ ++++ ++ +++ + ++
      juxtadorsomedial region (LHAjd) ++ ++++ +++ +++ ++ ++
      juxtaventromedial region
        dorsal zone (LHAjvd) +++ +++ ++ + +
        ventral zone (LHAjvv) +++ +++ ++ +++ ++ +++
      anterior region
        dorsal zone (LHAad) ++ +++ ++ ++ ++ +++
        intermediate zone (LHAai) +++ ++ ++ + ++ +++
        ventral zone (LHAav) +++ ++ ++ ++++ ++ +++
      retrochiasmatic area (RCH) ++ ++ + ++ + ++
      tuberal nucleus (TU)
        subventromedial part (TUsv) + + + +
        intermediate part (TUi) + + +
        lateral part (TUl) +
      suprafornical region (LHAs) +++ +++ ++ + + ++
      subfornical region
        anterior zone (LHAsfa) + +
        posterior zone (LHAsfp) + ++ ++ + ++
        premammillary zone (LHAsfpm) + + +
      magnocellular nucleus (LHAm) +
      parvicellular region (LHApc) +
      ventral region
        medial zone (LHAvm) + + + ++
        lateral zone (LHAvl) +
      posterior region (LHAp) + +++ +
    preparasubthalamic nucleus (PST) +
    parasubthalamic nucleus (PSTN) +
   Zona incerta, general
    zona incerta (ZI) ++ +++ + +++ ++ +
    pretectal region
      posterior pretectal nucleus (PPT) +
      medial pretectal area (MPT) + + +
    midbrain reticular nucleus, magnocellular part, general
      midbrain reticular nucleus, magnocellular part (MRNm) + +++ + + +
      ventral tegmental nucleus (VTN) + +
    cuneiform nucleus (CUN) +
    pontine reticular nucleus, caudal part (PRNc) +++
    gigantocellular reticular nucleus (GRN) +++
    paragigantocellular reticular nucleus (PGRN)
      dorsal part (PGRNd) +
      lateral part (PGRNl) ++
    parapyramidal nucleus (PPY)
      deep part (PPYd) +
    magnocellular reticular nucleus (MARN) +++
    parvicellular reticular nucleus (PARN) ++
    medullary reticular nucleus (MDRN)
      ventral part (MDRNv) +
3.3.8. Motoneuron Groups
  Neuroendocrine motor zone
      paraventricular nucleus hypothalamus, magnocellular division
        posterior magnocellular part
          medial zone (PVHpmm) +
          lateral zone (PVHpml) ++ +
       paraventricular nucleus hypothalamus, parvicellular division
        anterior parvicellular part (PVHap) + + ++ +++ ++ +++
          medial parvicellular part, dorsal zone (PVHmpd) + +++ + + +
          periventricular part (PVHpv) + + + + +
        periventricular hypothalamic nucleus, anterior part (PVa) + +
        periventricular hypothalamic nucleus, intermediate part (PVi) + + +
        arcuate hypothalamic nucleus (ARH) + + ++
  Preganglionic autonomic pools
        inferior salivatory nucleus (ISN) +
        dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve (DMX) ++