Progesterone withdrawal results in sex differences in the acoustic startle response. This figure illustrates the sex differences in measure of acoustic startle response (ASR, vertical axis) to varying sound pulses (horizontal axis). (A and C) PWD increases the ASR in female rats. Both the total integrated ASR (A) and the peak ASR (C) is higher in female rats undergoing PWD (n =7 closed circles) than in sham implanted controls (n =7, open circles). Significant differences between PWD and control groups (P <0.01) are indicated by (*), whereas significant sex differences between controls (P <0.01) are indicated by (+) in this and the following graphs. (B and D) PWD decreases the ASR in male rats. Both the total integrated ASR (B) and the peak ASR (D) are lower in male rats undergoing PWD (n =7, closed triangles) than in sham implanted controls (n =7, open triangles). Furthermore, male control rats startle significantly more than control females and males undergoing PWD startle significantly less than control males. (E and F) Latency of the ASR is not affected by PWD. There are no significant differences in the latency of the ASR across treatment conditions or sex.