(A) Schematic of NPC composition. (B) U2OS cells were treated repeatedly with scrambled, POM121 or Nup107 siRNA oligos for 12 days, fixed at indicated time points and stained with mAb414. (C) Quantification of mAb414 immunofluorescence (representing total NPCs per nucleus) over time, graphed as a ratio to control levels, N>25 per time point. (D) Immunofluorescence staining of nuclear surfaces using mAb414 and antibodies against Nup107, POM121 or ELYS in U2OS cells treated with siRNA oligos for 4 days against the indicated Nup. White circles indicate NPCs lacking either Nup107, POM121 or ELYS. (E) Quantification of mAb414 immunofluorescence in U2OS cells treated with siRNA oligos against indicated Nups, N>26 nuclei per condition. All error bars are standard error. Scale bars 2 μm. See also Figures S1 and S2.