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. 2010 Jun 21;16(23):2841–2850. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v16.i23.2841

Table 1.

Evolution of endoscopic ultrasound criteria for chronic pancreatitis

Lees[6] (1986) Wiersema et al[2] (1993) Sahai et al[8] (1998) Catalano et al[9] (2009)1 Histological correlation
Number of criteria Qualitative 11 9 3 major; 6 minor
Parenchymal X Reduced echogenic foci X X
Strongly echogenic foci Echogenic foci (> 3 mm) Hyperechoic foci Hyperechoic foci without shadowing (minor). Echogenic structures ≥ 2 mm in length and width with no shadowing Focal fibrosis
Hyperechoic foci with shadowing (major A). Echogenic structures ≥ 2 mm in length and width that shadow Calcifications in side-branches
Echogenic bands X Hyperechoic strands Stranding (minor). Hyperechoic lines of ≥ 3 mm in length in at least 2 different directions with respect to the imaged plane Fibrotic bands
Cavities Cysts (> 3 mm) Cysts Cysts (minor). Anechoic, rounded/elliptical structures with or without septations Pseudocysts
Accentuation of lobular architecture Accentuation of lobular pattern Parenchymal lobularity Lobularity with honeycombing (major B). Well-circumscribed, ≥ 5 mm structures with enhancing rim and relatively echo-poor center, with ≥ 3 contiguous lobules Edema separated by fibrotic bands
Lobularity without honeycombing (minor). Well-circumscribed, ≥ 5 mm structures with enhancing rim and relatively echo-poor center, with noncontiguous lobules
Enlargement X X X
Duct X Narrowing X X
Increase in caliber Dilation MPD dilation MPD dilation (minor). ≥ 3.5 mm in body or > 1.5 mm in tail Obstructed duct
Irregularity of the lumen Irregular contour Irregular MPD margins Irregular MPD contour (minor). Uneven or irregular outline and ectatic course Ductal fibrosis and strictures
Increase echogenicity of duct wall Duct wall echogenicity Hyperechoic MPD margins Hyperechoic MPD margin (minor). Echogenic, distinct structure greater than 50% of entire MPD in the body and tail Periductal fibrosis
Intraluminal echoes Calculi Shadowing calcifications MPD calculi (major A). Echogenic structures within MPD with acoustic shadowing Calcifications in the main duct
Visualization of side branches Side-branch dilation Visible side-branches Dilated side branches (minor). 3 or more tubular anechoic structures each measuring ≥ 1 mm in width, budding from the MPD Side-branch ectasia
Strictures with dilation X X X
Main or branch duct disruptions with cyst X X X

Rosemont diagnostic stratification: Normal: < 3 minor features (excluding non-shadowing echogenic foci, visible side-branches, cysts, and MPD dilation) and no major features. Indeterminate: 3 or 4 minor features and no major features, or major B feature alone with < 3 minor features. Suggestive: 1 major A feature and < 3 minor features, or 1 major B feature and ≥ 3 minor features, or ≥ 5 minor features. Most consistent: 1 major A feature and ≥ 3 minor features, or 1 major A feature and major B feature, or 2 major A features. MPD: Main pancreatic duct.