Fig. 2.
Saccades excluded from analysis. Activity recorded at the colored fixation spots were excluded for varying reasons. A: although saccade A is toward the response field, activity recorded while fixating at the gray spot is excluded because the vector of the preceding saccade also was directed toward the response field. B: saccade B was excluded in our 2nd analysis because due to the size of frontal eye field (FEF) response fields, the portion of the scene located around the gray spot was in the cell's response field for 2 successive fixation periods (blue and green spots). Therefore early increases in activity while fixating at the green spot could have been due to prior activation during the previous fixation period. C: 2nd goal activity recorded while fixating at the location marked by the blue spot was excluded because although the 2nd goal (the endpoint of vector C) was toward the response field, the 2nd saccade (saccade B) was as well.