Figure 5. Nox4 knockdown in the PVN attenuates MI-induced sympathoexcitation and restores LV responsiveness to βAR challenge.
A) Summary of urinary norepinephrine (NE) concentrations 14 days after sham (n=11), MI (n=9), or MI combined with PVN-targeted AdsiGFP (n=12), AdsiNox4 (n=12), AdCu/ZnSOD (n=9), or AdLacZ (n=11). B) Power spectral analysis of arterial pressure variability 14 days after sham (n=4), MI (n=4) or MI combined with PVN-targeted AdsiGFP (n=4). Data were calculated as a percentage in relation to baseline and presented as LF/HF relative to sham animals. C) Summary of peak decreases in MAP to hexamethonium 14 days after sham (n=4), MI (n=4), or MI+AdsiNox4 (n=4). D) Summary of peak LV contractility following acute isoproterenol stimulation (expressed as percent of baseline) 14 days after sham (n=6), MI (n=5), or MI combined with PVN-targeted AdsiGFP (n=7), AdsiNox4 (n=6), AdCu/ZnSOD (n=7), or AdLacZ (n=6). *p<0.05 vs. Sham; †p<0.05 vs. MI alone, MI+Ad-siGFP, or MI+Ad-LacZ; n.s., not significant.