Projections of Vtmax for simple VOTS neurons onto the horizontal (HP, A), sagittal (SP, B), and frontal (FP, C) planes. Vectorial length and polar angle denote the projected component magnitude and direction onto each plane. Simple neurons were classified as HP or SP type if the angular deviation of Vtmax from the horizontal or sagittal plane, respectively, was <30°. Thus the length of projected vectors onto these planes was ≥0.87 (dashed circles, A and B) and fell within the ±30° latitude parallels on the FP (dashed lines, C). Both-plane (BP) neurons lay near both planes, whereas one intermediate (Int) neuron was near neither. Symbols indicate neuron's planar preference. The map was tilted forward 15° from the stereotaxic plane, as how the animal's head was held. Double arrows on the perimeter of polar plot C denote the mean polarization vectors of otolith afferents recorded from the superior and inferior vestibular nerves (Fernandez and Goldberg 1976b).