Fig. 9.
Projections of frequency-related Vtmax for complex neurons onto the horizontal (A), sagittal (B), and frontal (C) planes. Symbols indicate neuron's dynamics, whereas colors/line styles code frequency-related migration of Vtmax. Vectorial length and polar angle denote the projected component magnitude and direction onto each plane. Gray thin lines in A illustrate great circles (meridians) through ±IA pole sliced at 15° interval. The projected circles of latitude (dashed lines) correspond to vectorial angular deviation of 30° (radius = 0.87) or 60° (r = 0.5) away from a given plane. The neuron tagged by an arrowhead was the same neuron shown in Figs. 5 and 6. The map was tilted forward 15° from the stereotaxic plane, as how the animal's head was held.