Fig. 9.
MVP analysis of category preference and category adaptation. A: MVPs showing the magnitude of responses to each of three object categories minus other categories in the localizer scans (top), and adaptation MVP (nonrepeated – repeated responses for a category) from the long-lagged experiment (bottom). Each panel illustrates the right hemisphere ventral inflated surface of a representative subject (S6) zoomed on the fusiform gyrus. (A, anterior; P, posterior; L, lateral; M, medial). The projected activation is an unthresholded map of percentage signal change across an anatomically defined lateral VTC ROI (white outline) for faces (left) and limbs (middle) and a medial VTC ROI (white outline) for houses (right; see methods for details). B: Correlation between category MVP and adaptation MVP for faces (left), limbs (middle), and houses (right). Light gray: entire anatomical region (unthresholded maps). Dark gray: Category-selective voxels determined from out of session localizer scans as voxels that show significant (t > 3) preference for a category vs. others. White: All voxels excluding category-selective voxels. Black: short-lagged paradigm. Blue: long-lagged paradigm. Asterisks indicate that the correlation for the short-lagged paradigm is significantly higher than the long-lagged paradigm (t-test, asterisk, P < 0.05; double asterisk P < 0.01).