Comparative shielding of the FMNsq in nNOSr, FMNCaM, and FMNCaMoxy as measured by EPR spectroscopy. EPR power saturation measurements were recorded at 150 K for nNOS constructs in the presence of the indicated concentrations of DyIII-HEDTA, and the ΔP1/2 values were calculated as described in Materials and Methods and are plotted versus [DyIII-HEDTA] in the presence (filled circles) or absence (open circles) of bound CaM. EPR data for samples of (A) nNOSr and (B) FMNCaM were obtained at the Ohio State University and EPR data for samples of (C) FMNCaMoxy and (D) FMNCaM were obtained at Kent State University. The lines of best fit were calculated by linear regression. Data are representative of at least two experiments.