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. 2010 Jun 21;5(6):e11227. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0011227

Table 1. Admission characteristics of children in the two study groups.

Variable SP Placebo
**N = 597 **N = 598
Age (months)
(mean, SD) 28.4 (18) 28.7 (19)
Sex (male) % 52.3% 52.1%
Ethnic group
Mandingo 228(39%) 227(38%)
Wollof 74 (13%) 91 (15%)
Fula 98 (17%) 96 (16%)
Jola 85 (14%) 88 (15%)
Others 102 (17%) 93 (16%)
Recruitment centre
RVTH 160 (27%) 166 (28%)
MRC 117 (20%) 114 (19%)
Brikama 155 (26%) 152 (26%)
Essau 124 (21%) 126 (21%)
Sibanor* 36 (6%) 36 (6%)
Previous chloroquine treatment (%) 62.4 60.6
Educational attainment of mother (years in school), (mean, SD) 2.1 (5.7) 2.0 (3.6)
Resp rate/min (mean, SD) 40.0 (13) 39.3 (12)
Mean haemoglobin g/dl (SD) 5.1 (1.2) 5.2 (.053)
Temp °C (mean, SD) 37.5 (0.91) 37.56 (.88)
Pulse rate/min (mean, SD) 121 (21) 120 (21)
Splenomegaly (%) 19.8 24.7
Hepatomegaly (%) 26.7 27.2
Proportion with malaria parasitaemia 62% 61%
Geometric mean density  (95% CI) IQR 17710 (136223, 23024) (0, 51000) 15296 (11668, 20050) (0, 47600)
Sleeps nightly under intact or impregnated net# 20.7 15.3

*Recruitment only during year 2.

**Data missing for 2 and 3 subjects in the placebo and SP groups respectively.

#bednet use was determined at the end of the transmission season.