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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Nov 1.
Published in final edited form as: Neurobiol Aging. 2009 Dec 22;32(11):2075–2090. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2009.12.002

Table 3.

Comparison of young and older adults: 1) Functional MRI (fMRI): Activity of brain regions preferentially invoked in each group for Stroop (INC-CON) contrasts for cue-target match or nonmatch trials. Coordinates are reported as given by SPM2 (MNI space) and correspond only approximately to Talairach and Tournoux space. Z = Z-value, two sample t-test (p < 0.001 uncorrected, extent threshold k = 10 voxels); BA = Brodmann area; kE = number of voxels in a cluster; 2) Voxel-based morphometry (VBM): gray matter volumes for regions of interest (ROIs), MANOVA, regions significant at p < 0.05 (SPSS); 3) Activity of brain regions after gray matter volume correction, ANCOVA


MNI-coordinates Gray matter
Brain region BA kE t Z Older < Young
X Y Z F p
Older > Young

L. precuneus, paracentral and postecentral gyri 5 226 −4 −40 70 4.56* 3.96 39.4 0.0001
1 12 44 74 4.21* 3.71
4 16 34 76 3.60* 3.27
R. paracentral gyrus, supplementary motor area 4 26 2 22 74 3.92* 3.50 36.0 0.0001
L. lingual gyrus 18 132 4 66 4 4.43*1 3.87 51.5 0.0001
R. cerebellum - vermis 68 4 46 6 4.31*1 3.79 33.5 0.0001
R. cuneus 18 97 4 76 32 409*1 3.63 48.7 0.0001

Young > Older

R. middle and inferior frontal gyri 46 178 38 32 28 5.36*1 4.48 1.12 0.30
- pars triangularis 9 36 32 42 3.91*1 3.50
R. superior frontal gyrus 9 63 20 42 28 4.62*1 4.00 0.52 0.48
R. insula 48 67 42 2 4 4.601 3.98 38.9 0.0001
L. middle and inferior frontal gyri - pars triangularis 46, 45 25 32 34 22 3.85*1 3.45 0.05 0.83
L. inferior frontal gyrus - pars opercularis 44 11 58 6 18 3.59*1 3.26 25.8 0.0001

No significant group differences for Stroop-Nonmatch activation

regions significant at p < 0.05 corrected for the whole brain


regions significant at p < 0.05 corrected for regional gray matter volumes (SPSS).