Effect of excitotoxins on the CFP positive RGCs in vivo. In vivo live fundus fluorescence 5A and 5B: uninjected eyes; 5C and 5D: NMDA, IVI; 5E and 5F: Saline, IVI; 5G and 5H: NMDA, IVI 1 h after MK801, IP; 5I and 5H: KA, IVI 1 h after MK801, IP. The intensity of the fluorescence from live fundus imaging in vivo corresponds to the numbers of CFP positive RGCs. The fundus fluorescence from mice injected with saline IVI (5E and 5F) and NMDA IVI with MK801 IP (5G and 5H) maintains the same intensity as the control uninjected eyes (5A and 5B). The fundus fluorescence from mice injected with MK-801 IP and KA IVI shows significant decrease (5I and 5J). Bar, 500 μm. pod postoperative day.