A. Western blots showing a comparison of the relative upregulation of TFs by SIL (60 μM) and 1,25D (10 nM), 5 days treatment. Patient #10. B and C. Western blots showing that while upregulation of TFs protein levels by SIL is a constant feature, the extent of the upregulation is variable. Note also that upregulation of TFs by SIL and deltanoids can be additive (e.g. panel C, lanes 4, 6 and 8), but this is not a constant feature (Panel B). The lanes were: Lane 1= vehicle treated controls, lane 2=SIL 60 μM, lane 3=1,25D 10 nM, lane 4=SIL-1,25D, lane 5=BXL-0062 10 nM, lane 6=SIL-BXL-0062, lane 7=BXL-0143 10 nM, lane 8=SIL-BXL-0143. Patient #15 (panel B) and # 16 (panel C).