Differentiation of Muse cells in vitro and in testes. Immunocytochemistry of neurofilament-M (NF) (A), α-SMA (B), α-fetoprotein (α-FP) (C), cytokeratin 7 (CK7) (D), and desmin (E) in cells derived from a single M-cluster (H-fibroblasts). (F) RT-PCR analysis of naive cells and first- and third-generation M-clusters (first and third clusters) derived from H-fibroblasts. Positive controls were human fetus liver (Liver) for α-FP and whole human embryo (Embryo) for GATA6, MAP-2, and Nkx2.5. (G–M) Testes of immunodeficient mice injected with cells. (G) Uninjected testes (intact) and testes injected with mouse ES cells (8 weeks), mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) cells (8 weeks), and M-clusters (6 months). Immunohistochemistry of NF (H), α-FP (I), and SMA (J) in testes injected with MEC populations and M-clusters. (K) Double-labeling of human mitochondria (green) and SMA (red). The tube-like structure (L) was positive for human mitochondria in the adjacent section (M; red). (Scale bars: A–E and H–L, 50 μm; M, 20 μm.)