Fig. 2.
Western blot analyses of the synthesis (b; cell extracts) and secretion (a; supernatants) of the tagged proteins from strains T-SopA (89 kDa) (lane 1), T-SopB (64 kDa) (lane 2), T-SipC (45 kDa) (lane 3), T-SipD (40 kDa) (lane 4), T-InvJ (39 kDa) (lane 5) and T-PrgJ (13 kDa) (lane 6). The expression of DnaK in bacterial cells was used as the internal control (c). Protein samples were separated in SDS-polyacrylamide gels and reacted with antibodies against the FLAG sequence (a, b) and DnaK (c). The molecular masses of some of the proteins in the PageRuler protein size markers (Fermentas) are shown. Each lane was loaded with lysates prepared from 5×107 c.f.u. bacteria.