When conducting research in a long-term care facility, the researcher should:
Provide key elements of the protocol, consent forms, and IRB approval documentation. Ideally. This should be in a binder with a table of contents and each component in a different section.
Provide 24-hour contact numbers for the principal investigator or designee.
Provide a written list of all responsibilities or activities expected of thenursing home staff.
Have researchers meet with resident councils, family councils, and staff to explain the study.
Establish plans for specific actions to take for potential problems, such as discovering a previously undiagnosed medical or nursing problem, charting or medication errors, inappropriate or inadequate care, mistreatment of residents, and conflicts of interest. These plans should be negotiated with the nursing home administration.
If the research will involve protected health information, integrate a HIPAA release form into the consent form into the consent form or properly de-identify protected health information.