Malpighian tubule nuclei of Drosophila after fluorescent in situ hybridization (A and B) or immunostaining (C and D) for CB components. (A) A nucleus from a wild type fly showing two CBs. The CBs appear yellow because they contain both U85 scaRNA (red) and U5 snRNA (green). There is a high level of U5 throughout the nucleoplasm. (B) A nucleus from a coilin-null fly hybridized as in A. A CB is no longer detectable, although U5 label in the nucleoplasm is unaffected. (C) A nucleus from a wild type fly showing a CB immunostained for symmetric dimethylarginine, a marker for snRNP proteins (green), and an HLB labeled for Lsm11, a component of the U7 snRNP (red). (D) A nucleus from a coilin-null fly labeled as in C. A CB is no longer detectable, but the HLB is apparently unaffected. Modified from Liu et al. (2009) with permission from Molecular Biology of the Cell. Bar = 10 µm in A and B, 5 µm in C and D.