Model of eEF3 action. (A) eEF3 binds to the ribosomal site suitable for its action—the cryo-EM map of single particle reconstruction (34). Atomic models of S5 (orange), S18 (red), and L11 (blue) shown as ribbon representations are docked to the cryo-EM density of 40S subunit (shown in light yellow), 60S subunit (light blue), eEF3 (light green), P site bound tRNA (purple), and unassigned SX2 (gold). The atomic structure of mRNA (purple ribbon) was superimposed onto a cryo-EM map by using UCSF Chimera 1.4 ( Landmark of 40S subunit, Hd (head); Landmarks of 60S subunit, CP (central protuberance), L1 (L1 stalk). Cryo-EM map and coordinate of mRNA were obtained from EMD-1233 and PDB-2HGP, respectively. (B) eEF3/ATP disassembles PoTC into its components simultaneously and the components remain apart until the initiation process begins.