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. 2010 Jun 19;375(9732):2152–2160. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60587-9

Table 5.

Secondary baseline and 13-month endpoint measurements

PACT (n=77) TAU (n=75) PACT (n=77) TAU (n=75) PACT (n=77) TAU (n=75)
Parent CSBS-DP raw score* 29·5 (7·1) 28·3 (8·8) 34·0 (8·2) 30·8 (8·3) 4·6 (7·0) 2·5 (6·0)
Parent MCDI*
Receptive raw score 159·5 (114·4) 162·0 (122·4) 233·7 (129·6) 209·0 (131·3) 74·2 (66·9) 47·0 (68·2)
Expressive raw score 93·5 (114·8) 111·1 (128·6) 171·9 (150·7) 163·8 (144·3) 78·5 (89·3) 51·8 (73·2)
Teacher Vineland
Communication .. .. 64·3 (17·7) 67·7 (17·5) .. ..
Adaptive behaviour composite .. .. 60·3 (15·2) 62·8 (14·8) .. ..

CSBS-DP=Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Developmental Profile (caregiver questionnaire) social composite score. MCDI=MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory.


Missing data were multiply imputed at baseline for one participant assigned to treatment as usual (TAU), and at endpoint for six assigned to TAU and eight assigned to Preschool Autism Communication Trial (PACT).

Unavailable at baseline because participants were generally too young; standard scores normed to population mean=100 and SD=15.