Figure 2.
ELISA quantification of endogenous opioid concentration in SCC conditioned media under different ET-A receptor antagonist (BQ-123) treatment. (A) β-endorphin level was significantly increased when treated with 10−6 M BQ-123 compared to DMEM control (p = 0.033) (n = 3). (B) Leu-enkephalin level responded in a dose-dependent manner to BQ-123 treatment, with a significant increase at 10−5 M BQ-123 (p = 0.035) and a significant decrease at 10−8 M BQ-123 (p = 0.036) compared to DMEM control (n = 3). (C) Dynorphin level was not affected by BQ-123 incubation compared to DMEM control (n = 3). [* indicates significance]