Figure 3.
Mutations of serine 343 in γ2L subunits allow for rogue surface expression and anomalous Zn2+ blockade. A, Confocal images of cells cotransfected with EGFP and γ2L–S343D (serine to aspartate) or γ2L–S343V (serine to valine) are shown on the left. Scale bar, 20 μm. B, In separate experiments, excised patches from cells transfected with α1β2γ2L–S343D or α1β2γ2L–S343V (both at the transfection ratio 1:1:0.1) were tested for DZ potentiation and Zn2+ blockade, as in Figure 1. Note that both mutations cause γ2L to resemble γ2S.