Figure 4.
Mutational analysis of the Gli-binding site in the EEE. Xgal staining of (A,B) 10.5- and (C,D) 11.5-dpc embryos bearing (A,C) the pE(EB)Z or (B,D) the pE(EB)mutGli-BA-Z transgene is presented. The mutation abolishes continuation of epaxial transgene expression as somites mature (cf. A to C and B to D), although epaxial staining remains in younger somites at all ages considered (B,D). Ectopic expression in cephalic mesoderm (stars) and the lateral edge of the limb (arrowhead) seen with the isolated enhancer (A,C) is eliminated by the mutation (B,D). Activity of the positive control in the pE(EB)mutGli-BA-Z transgene (intergenic branchial arch element; Summerbell et al. 2000) is seen (arrows in B and D).