Figure 2.
Effect of PTK/ZK on HSC proliferation and migration induced by PDGF. (a) HSCs were cultured overnight in medium with 0.1% FBS before the addition of PTK/ZK at various concentrations, followed by PDGF (10 ng/ml) stimulation. Cell proliferation was measured by BrdU incorporation. Each experiment was carried out in quadruplicate and the data represent the mean±s.e. of six experiments. (b) Effect of PTK/ZK on HSC migration induced by PDGF. HSCs were incubated in serum-free medium for 24 h in the upper compartment of the BIOCOAT Chamber and were examined for migration in the lower compartment in the presence of various concentrations of PTK/ZK with or without PDGF. Cells that migrated to the lower compartment were quantified by cell counting. Data are expressed as a percentage of control from three experiments. **P<0.01. (c) Wound-healing assay. HSCs were grown to confluence and were disrupted to generate a linear wound, and then incubated in medium containing PDGF in the presence or absence of PTK/ZK for 20 h. Experiments were carried out in duplicate.