Table 5.
Correlations Between Neurobehavioral Outcomes and the Four T-ACE Criteria
T-ACE Criteria: | Tolerance ≥2 | Tolerance ≥3 | ||
Total Score=2 | Total Score=3 | Total Score=2 | Total Score=3 | |
WPPSI | ||||
Object Assembly Scaled Score | .00a | −.19 | −.11 | −.18 |
Geometric Design Scaled Score | −.13 | −.07 | .02 | −.06 |
Block Design Scaled Score | −.07 | −.16 | −.15 | −.18 |
Maze Scaled Score | −.07 | −.26* | −.16 | −.25* |
Picture Completion Scaled Score | −.17 | −.15 | −.20† | −.14 |
Animal Pegs Scaled Score | .03 | .09 | .03 | .10 |
Information Scaled Score | −.26* | −.10 | −.11 | −.08 |
Comprehension Scaled Score | −.01 | .05 | .11 | .03 |
Arithmetic Scaled Score | −.26* | −.30** | −.16 | −.32** |
Vocabulary Scaled Score | −.09 | −.13 | −.13 | −.12 |
Similarities Scaled Score | −.13 | −.14 | .01 | −.10 |
Sentences Scaled Score | −.34** | −.24* | −.25* | −.25* |
Verbal Score IQ | −.16 | −.20† | −.13 | −.20 |
Performance Score IQ | −.18 | −.27* | −.20† | −.26* |
Full Scaled Score IQ | −.21† | −.24* | −.16 | −.23* |
Object Memory | ||||
Intrusions Delay Trial | .22† | .26* | .26* | .28* |
Total Recognition | .28* | .03 | .20 | .06 |
Vision | ||||
Farsighted | .27* | .31* | .22 | .28* |
Nearsighted | .15 | .35** | .25† | .40** |
CPT # Hits | −.06 | −.09 | −.10 | −.14 |
Digit Span Forward | −.17 | −.21 | −.24* | −.23† |
Divided Attention Word Amount | −.11 | −.22† | −.07 | −.24* |
Peg Board Test | ||||
Total | .00 | −.22† | −.15 | −.25* |
Symbol Digit Number Correct | −.09 | −.27* | −.09 | −.26* |
VMI Motor T-Score | −.03 | −.26* | −.06 | −.22† |
Finger tapper | ||||
# Taps Left Hand | .07 | −.12 | .03 | −.06 |
# Taps Right Hand | −.08 | −.29* | −.11 | −.24* |
# Taps Long | −.02 | −.22† | −.04 | −.15 |
# Taps Short | .12 | −.14 | −.05 | −.14 |
# Taps No Sing | −.01 | −.22† | −.04 | −.16 |
# Taps Sing | −.01 | −.25* | −.07 | −.20 |
Number of Outcomes Predictedb | 7 | 17*** | 6 | 14*** |
Values in table are correlation coefficients.
= Significance relative to respective total T-ACE score of 2 with the same tolerance cut-point.