Table 1.
Baseline Characteristics of the Renin-angiotensin System Study Cohort.
N=257 |
Variable | Mean or % | SD |
Age (years) | 30.2 | 9.6 |
Sex (% male) | 48 | |
Diabetes duration (years) | 11.3 | 4.7 |
Glycosylated hemoglobin(%) | 8.5 | 1.6 |
Body mass (kg/m2) | 25.8 | 3.7 |
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) | 120 | 12 |
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) | 70 | 8 |
Mean arterial blood pressure (mmHg) | 87 | 9 |
Serum creatinine (mg/dl) | 0.81 | 0.14 |
Glomerular filtration rate (ml • min • 1.73 m2) | 129 | 20 |
Albumin excretion rate (μg/min) | 6.4 | 5.9 |
Mesangial fractional volume/glomerulusa | 0.21 | 0.04 |
Mesangial matrix fractional volume/glomerulusa | 0.11 | 0.03 |
Mesangial cell fractional volume/glomerulusa | 0.072 | 0.020 |
Glomerular basement membrane widtha (nm) | 476 | 92 |
Peripheral GBMb surface density/glomerulusa | 0.13 | 0.02 |
Volume fractions of cortex which was interstitiumb | 0.110 | 0.036 |
Volume fraction cortical tubules per total tubules which were atrophicc | 0.004 | 0.019 |
Index of arteriolar hyalinosisd | 1.1 | 0.2 |
Glomerulopathy indexa | 58.1 | 10.6 |
Diabetic Retinopathy Severity | ||
None, % | 34.6 | |
Mild, % | 55.3 | |
Moderate to Severe, % | 10.2 | |
Central retinal arteriole equivalent (μm) | 159 | 13 |
Central retinal venule equivalent (μm) | 228 | 22 |
GBM: glomerular basement membrane.
N = 256
N = 223
N = 210
N = 231