Figure 9.
Morpholino oligos to Pax2 and Pea3 reduce CR-F activity in the otic placode. A. Fluorescein in embryo treated with 3 mM control morpholino. B. Embryo in (A) showing CR-F enhancer activity driving Cherry fluorescent protein expression. C. Higher magnification of (A) showing cells with high levels of control morpholino (arrowhead). D. Same region as in (C) showing the cells with high levels of control morpholino had high levels of CR-F activity (arrowhead). E. Fluorescein in embryo treated with 1 mM Pea3 morpholino. F. Embryo in (E) showing CR-F12 enhancer activity driving Cherry fluorescent protein expression. G. Higher magnification of (A) showing cells with either high levels of Pea3 morpholino (arrowhead) or low levels (arrow). H. Same region as in (G) showing the cells with high levels of Pea3 morpholino had low levels of CR-F activity (arrowhead) and cells with low levels of morpholino had high levels of CR-F activity (arrow). I. Fluorescein in embryo treated with 3 mM Pax2 morpholino. J. Embryo in (I) showing CR-F enhancer activity driving Cherry fluorescent protein expression. K. Merged image of (I) and (J). Arrows in (I–K) show cells with high enhancer activity and low levels of fluorescein tagged Pax2 morpholino. Arrowheads point to cells with high morpholino levels and low enhancer activity. L-O. Embryo electroporated with F12Cherry enhancer reporter construct and Cerulean ubiquitous expression vector followed by a second electroporation with fluorescein tagged Pax2 morpholino and imaged with a Zeiss 510 META inverted microscope. L. Fluorescein signal showing cells that contained the Pax2 morpholino. M. Cherry signal showing cells that have F12 enhancer activity. N. Cerulean signal showing the cells that were electroporated. O. Merged image of (L–M). Arrowheads in (L–O) point to a cell that had high levels of fluorescein tagged morpholino had little enhancer activity though still expressing Cerulean. Arrow points to a cell with high level of enhancer activity and Cerulean expression, but had low levels of fluorescein tagged morpholino.