Table 2.
Hydraulic conductivity (Lp: cm2* sec/g) for a variety of physiological membranes
Membrane | Typea | Lp×1011 |
Kidney epithelial cells (MDCK cells)b | a | 0.075 |
Xenopus oocytesc | a | 0.2 |
Xenopus oocytes +CHIP28c | a | 1.6 |
Proximal tubule epithelial cellsd | a | 1.2 |
Red blood cellsd,e | a | 1–1.6 |
Gall bladder epithelial cellsf | a | 4–9 |
Corneal epitheliumg,h | b | 0.04–0.7 |
Gall bladder epitheliumd,f | b | 1.3–3.6 |
Proximal tubule epitheliumb,d | b | 7.5–55 |
Rentinal pigment epitheliumi | b | 16 |
Brain capillaryj | c | 0.03 |
Corneal endotheliumg,k | c | 0.14–5 |
Lung capillaryj | c | 3.4 |
Skeletal muscle capillaryj,l | c | 2.5–7 |
Cardiac muscle capillaryj,l | c | 8.6 |
Aortam | c | 9 |
Mesentery, omentumj | c | 50 |
Intestinal mucosaj,l | d | 32–130 |
Synovium (knee)l | d | 120 |
Renal peritubulal capillariesl | d | 225–700 |
Renal glomerulusj,l | d | 400–3100 |
Descemet's membraneh | e | 15–37 |
Lens capsulen | e | 17–50 |
Bruch's membraneo | e | 2000–12 500 |
Kidney tubule basement membranep | e | 6300–13 700 |
a, cell membranes; b, unfenestrated epithelium; c, unfenestrated endothelium; d, fenestrated epithelia; and e, basement membranes.
Starita et al. (1996) (eyes under 40) and Bentzel and Reczek (1978).