Table A1.
Normalization constants of production rates and life-history characters (±SEs)
Order | No. species | Production rate per adult mass, qi | Litters per year, yi | Litter mass per adult mass, zi | Offspring per litter, ni | Newborn mass per adult mass, xi |
Artiodactyla | 75 | .614 ± .040 | .526 ± .026 | .088 ± .028 | .400 ± .021 | −.312 ± .031 |
Cetacea | 18 | .701 ± .076 | .234 ± .049 | .467 ± .053 | .425 ± .040 | .042 ± .058 |
Chiroptera | 105 | −.067 ± .052 | .235 ± .033 | −.303 ± .036 | .142 ± .028 | −.445 ± .040 |
Fissipeds | 71 | .106 ± .035 | .421 ± .023 | −.315 ± .025 | .734 ± .019 | −1.048 ± .027 |
Insectivora | 28 | .172 ± .061 | .375 ± .039 | −.203 ± .043 | .756 ± .033 | −.959 ± .047 |
Lagomorpha | 19 | .716 ± .063 | .794 ± .040 | −.078 ± .044 | .763 ± .033 | −.842 ± .048 |
Perissodactyla | 9 | .422 ± .094 | .288 ± .061 | .134 ± .066 | .389 ± .050 | −.255 ± .072 |
Pinnipeds | 25 | .755 ± .059 | .496 ± .038 | .259 ± .041 | .346 ± .032 | −.087 ± .045 |
Primates | 81 | .008 ± .034 | .264 ± .022 | −.256 ± .024 | .289 ± .018 | −.545 ± .026 |
Rodentia | 190 | .339 ± .038 | .543 ± .025 | −.205 ± .027 | .721 ± .020 | −.925 ± .029 |
Xenarthra | 7 | .197 ± .099 | .382 ± .063 | −.185 ± .069 | .389 ± .053 | −.573 ± .075 |
F10, 616 | 36.6 | 38.4 | 29.1 | 152.8 | 104.9 | |
Adjusted R2 | 73% | 56% | 69% | 75% | 68% |
Note: Parameters qi, yi, zi, ni, and xi are as in equations (6). Normalization constants measure the vertical displacement of the regression lines, that is, their y-intercepts at 1 g in figure 2 (see fig. 3; eq. [2]). The penultimate row gives F statistics from ANOVAs comparing the normalization constants. The critical value at the 0.001% significance level is 4.2.