Table 1.
Study | Clinical state | Node definition | N | Correlation metrics | Network type |
Salvador et al. (2005) | Normal | Regions (AAL) | 90 | Partial correlation | B |
Achard et al. (2006) | Normal | Regions (AAL) | 90 | Wavelet correlation | B, W |
Wang et al. (2009a) | Normal | Regions (AAL, ANIMAL) | 90, 70 | Pearson correlation | B |
He et al. (2009b) | Normal | Regions (AAL) | 90 | Pearson correlation | B |
Meunier et al. (2009b) | Normal | Regions (AAL-based) | 1808 | Wavelet correlation | B |
Ferrarini et al. (2009) | Normal | Regions (AAL) | 90 | Partial correlation | B |
Dosenbach et al. (2007) | Normal | ROIs | 39 | Pearson correlation | B |
Van den Heuvel et al. (2008a) | Normal | Voxels | ∼10000 | Pearson correlation | B |
Van den Heuvel et al. (2008b) | Normal | Voxels | 8500∼9500 | Pearson correlation | W |
Valencia et al. (2009) | Normal | Voxels | 20898 | Pearson correlation | B, W |
Laurienti et al. (2009) | Normal | Voxels | ∼20000 | Pearson correlation | B |
Hayasaka and Laurienti (2009) | Normal | Regions (AAL), voxels | 90∼16000 | Pearson correlation | B |
van den Heuvel et al. (2009b) | Normal (IQ) | Voxels | ∼9500 | Pearson correlation | B |
Park et al. (2008) | Normal | Regions (AAL) | 73 | Pearson correlation | B |
Fair et al. (2007) | Development | ROIs | 39 | Pearson correlation | B |
Fair et al. (2008) | Development | ROIs | 13 | Pearson correlation | B |
Fair et al. (2009) | Development | ROIs | 34 | Pearson correlation | B |
Supekar et al. (2009) | Development | Regions (AAL) | 90 | Wavelet correlation | B |
Achard et al. (2007) | Aging | Regions (AAL) | 90 | Wavelet correlation | B, W |
Meunier et al. (2009a) | Aging | Regions (AAL) | 90 | Wavelet correlation | B |
Supekar et al. (2008) | AD | Regions (AAL) | 90 | Wavelet correlation | B |
Buckner et al. (2009) | AD | Voxels | None | Pearson correlation | B |
Liu et al. (2008) | Schizophrenia | Regions (AAL) | 90 | Partial correlation | B |
Wang et al. (2009b) | ADHD | Regions (AAL) | 90 | Pearson correlation | B |
Liao et al. (2010) | Epilepsy | Regions (AAL) | 90 | Pearson correlation | B |
Nakamura et al. (2009) | TBI | None | 112 | Partial correlation | B, W |
Liu et al. (2009) | Drug (heroin) | Regions (AAL) | 90 | Partial correlation | B |
AD, Alzheimer's disease; ADHD, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder; TBI, traumatic brain injury; AAL, Automated Anatomical Labeling; ANIMAL, Automatic Nonlinear Imaging Matching and Anatomical Labeling; ROI, region of interest; N, the number of network nodes; B, binarized; W, weighted.