Figure 2.
Pristimerin inhibited DNA binding of NF-κB to DNA. (A) KBM5 cells were preincubated in the absence or presence of 200 nM pristimerin for 6 hours; TNFα was added at different times, and the nuclear extracts were then assayed for NF-κB activation by EMSA. Cold competitor: the labeled NF-κB oligonuceotide was competed with an excess (200 fold) of unlabeled probe. (B) KBM5 cells were pretreated with or without escalating concentrations of pristimerin for 6 hours; TNFα (0.1 nM) was added for 30 minutes. EMSA was used to detect the activation of NF-κB. Results are representative of 3 independent experiments. (C) Pristimerin did not directly interfere with NF-κB complex formation. Nuclear extracts from KBM5 cells treated with or without 0.1 nM TNFα for 30 minutes, were reacted in the absence or presence of increasing concentrations of pristimerin, then NF-κB activation was assayed by EMSA.