Figure 1.
Brain regions selected for proton MR spectroscopic imaging. The sagittal MR image (TR/TE = 500/6 ms) shows the typical placement of the two slices which yielded metabolite data (left). The slices are angulated at -10 degrees from the planum sphenoidale at the base of the frontal brain. Each slice is 15 mm thick and separated by a 6-mm thick gap to avoid cross-talk. The lower slice contains subcortical brain structures, the upper slice periventricular brain. The oblique-axial MR images (TR/TE = 2575/80 ms) are from the center of the periventricular MRSI slice (middle) and from the center of the subcortical MRSI slice (right). The overlaid white points correspond in size and position to the regions from where MRSI spectra were extracted for quantitative analysis. Sixteen spectra were extracted from the periventricular and 13 from the subcortical slice. The most anterior lateral cortical positions in the periventricular slice correspond to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. See text for exact voxel placements.