Figure 3.
Control of both acute and chronic phase viral replication was achieved using a vaccine encoding all SIV proteins except Env, and a homologous mucosal challenge. We vaccinated eight rhesus macaques expressing Mamu-A*02 (we excluded animals that expressed Mamu-A*01, Mamu-B*08 or Mamu-B*17) with DNA (three primes) and Ad5 (single boost) encoding Gat, Tat, Rev, Nef, Pol, Vif, Vpr and Vpx from SIVmac239. We then challenged the eight vaccinees (black closed diamonds, solid line) and eight naïve animals (open diamonds, dotted line), that also expressed Mamu-A*02 (we excluded animals that expressed Mamu-A*01, Mamu-B*08 or Mamu-B*17), mucosally with up to five low dose challenges and up to six high dose challenges of the heterologous swarm virus SIVsmE660. Vaccinees controlled viral replication in both the acute (peak) phase and chronic phase.