FIG. 1.
(a) Bragg peaks from GIXD for films of DSIDA/Cu2+ prior to injecting myoglobin, and at various times after injection for a surface pressure of 40 mN/m. For clarity, the data have been offset vertically. The solid lines through the data corresponds to fits using two Lorenzians, where one Lorenzian was a very minor component suggesting a possible slight distortion of hexagonal packing of alkyl tails. (b) Bragg rod profile for the Bragg peak for DSIDA/Cu2+. The rod was fitted (solid line) by approximating the coherently scattering part of the acyl chain by a cylinder of constant electron density. (c) Bragg rod profile for the Bragg peak for DSIDA/Cu2+/myoglobin (9.4 h).