Strain-dependency of inflammatory lymphangiogenesis in different mouse strains. A–F: Representative wholemounts of murine corneas (original magnification, ×100) with Lyve-1+ lymphatic vessels. A: Balb/cAnNCrl. B: C57BL/6NCrl. C: SJL/JCrl. D: 129S1/SvImJ. E: FVB/NCrl. F: Cast/EiJ. G: Inflammatory lymphangiogenesis varied up to 1.7-fold between different strains. The mean lymphvascularized area of Balb/cAnNCrl was defined as 100%. The mean lymphvascularized area for Balb/cAnNCrl was 100 ± 22% (n = 21), for C57BL/6NCrl 132 ± 22% (n = 20), for SJL/JCrl 128 ± 18% (n = 19), for 129S1/SvImJ 126 ± 18% (n = 19), for FVB/NCrl 172 ± 20% (n = 19), and for Cast/EiJ 159 ± 19% (n = 17), respectively. G: Boxplot where the box represents 50% of all values and the whiskers show the lowest and highest value. Statistical evaluation was done by analysis of variance with Bonferroni multiple comparison post test. **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.