Figure 3. Protein expression of Artemia ABD-A cannot be induced in Drosophila embryos unless C-terminal sequences are deleted.
(A) Hatch assays of various Artemia ABD-A truncations. The truncation point for each transgene is shown at the bottom of the panel. Hatch percentages were calculated relative to w1118. Ubiquitous expression of Artemia ABD-A protein showed the expected embryonic lethal phenotype only for truncated proteins Artemia ABD-A CΔ and Artemia ABD-A CΔ2. (B) Drosophila embryos induced to ubiquitously express Artemia abd-A transgenes were tested for the presence of transcript and protein. The top panel shows the negative control of embryos from arm-GAL4 crossed to w1118. Transcripts were detected in embryos expressing both full-length and truncated ABD-A, but protein was only detected for embryos expressing the truncated abd-A transgene.