Figure 1.
Dynamics of MTOC movement relative to the NK cell IS. (A) DIC (left) and overlay of fluorescent images (right) of a YTS GFP-tubulin cell fixed and stained with anti-pericentrin polyclonal antibody are shown. Green, GFP-tubulin; red, pericentrin antibody as identified using an AlexaFluor-conjugated anti-rabbit mAb. (B–D) Time-lapse images of MTOC movement in a YTS GFP-tubulin cell conjugated with a susceptible 721.221 target cell (B; from Supplemental Video 1), an NK92 GFP-tubulin cell conjugated with a susceptible K562 target cell (C; from Supplemental Video 2), and a YTS GFP-tubulin cell conjugated with a nonsusceptible K562 target cell (D; from Supplemental Video 3). Each image pair shows confocal immunofluorescence in the plane of the MTOC on the left and DIC on the right. Green, GFP-tubulin; red, LysoTracker–loaded acidified lysosomes. Mean distance between the MTOC and the IS (error bars, ±SD), normalized to the largest distance of the MTOC from the IS in that cell, as a function of conjugation time in (E) YTS with 721.221 cells (n = 10), (F) NK92 with K562 cells (n = 9), and (G) YTS with K562 cells (n = 10).