Figure 3. Naris occlusion abolishes the difference in glomerular volume and glomerular number between animals raised in different environments.
A and B. Glomerular volume: A (non-occluded naris) and B (occluded naris). Occlusion of one naris abolished the difference in glomerular volume between HV and LV cages. A mixed effects ANOVA showed no differences in glomerular volume between different cage types (F1,37 = 0.37, P = 0.55). We did find significant differences in glomerular volume between the naris occluded and unoccluded sides (F1,100 = 16.7, P<0.0001). C and D. Number of glomeruli: C (non-occluded naris) and D (occluded naris). A mixed effects ANOVA showed no differences in glomerular number between different cage types (F1,20 = 1.82, P = 0.19) and between occluded and unoccluded sides. The data in the LV cages is reproduced with permission from a previous publication in the Journal of Comparative Neurology [15].