Depletion of CHC and/or TACC3 renders a loss of ch-TOG spindle
targeting and aberrant spindles. (A, D, and F) Images of HeLa
cells treated with the indicated siRNAs and stained with DNA (blue),
α-tubulin or CHC (green), and ch-TOG or hepatoma up-regulated
protein (HURP; red) as indicated are shown. (B) Bar graph shows
quantification of aberrant spindle morphology of cells as observed in A
(n = 3; >100 cells per
experiment). (C) Western blots show complex formation of endogenous CHC
and ch-TOG by immunoprecipitation (IP) with the indicated antibodies
from mitotic HeLa cells. Input represents the 5% amount of Noc-treated
cell extracts subjected to immunoprecipitation. Black lines indicate
that intervening lanes have been spliced out. (E) Bar graph shows the
recruitment of ch-TOG to the spindle of cells observed in D
(n = 3; >10 mitotic cells scored
per experiment). (G) Images of MT repolymerization after cold shock of
the indicated siRNA-treated cells. Cells were fixed and stained with
α-tubulin (green) and DNA (blue). (H) Bar graph shows MT
intensity and half-spindle length of cells observed in G
(n = 3; >20 mitotic cells scored
per experiment). Error bars indicate mean ± SD. Bars, 10