Figure 6.
CFs in Z+ zones contain a larger pool of release-competent vesicles. A, Top, Overlay of 10 consecutive EPSCs from representative Z+ (gray traces) and Z− (black traces) Purkinje cells collected at 0.033 Hz in 4 mm extracellular Ca2+ in the presence of 10 mm γ-DGG (to relieve AMPA receptors from saturation). Recordings were made at a holding potential of −40 mV. Bottom, Same traces presented at an enlarged scale. B, Graph of variance versus mean EPSC amplitude calculated from at least 20 consecutive CF EPSCs. CF responses in Z+ zones (red symbols) exhibited larger amplitudes (p = 0.02) and higher variance (p < 0.02) than CF responses in Z− zones (blue symbols), indicating that CFs in Z+ zones contain a larger pool of release-competent vesicles. Squares and error bars represent mean ± SEM.