Table 1.
Challenges | Solutions |
Tolerance for identification of gene or proteins |
Maintaining multiple interpretations of data |
Ensuring completeness, validity, accuracy and currency of data |
Formalizing data staging and review process; implementing multiple data quality controls |
Managing multiple identifier schemes | Short term, use mapping service, but long term use reduced number of identifier schemes and equivalence mappings in Semantic Web |
Data synchronization | Use access on demand APIs with canonical data structures when possible and bulk load only when APIs cannot meet requirements |
Literature integration | Use APIs to query literature repositories; provide end users with "smart query" capabilities |
Maximizing the use of limited post- genomic experimental evidence for gene and protein predictions. |
Treat experiments using orthologs as indirect evidence for gene and protein predictions. |
Usability | Employ usability engineering to complement and inform software development; include support for integrated information, data and tools, progressive filtering, and context sensitivity |