Fig. 3. Differential hypophosphorylation of activating ad inactivating tyrosines of Lyn kinase by PTPROt.
Lyn-HA was immunoprecipitated from whole cell extracts of H293T cells co-expressing HA-tagged Lyn and Flag-tagged PTPROt. The extracts along with the immunoprecipitated complex were separated on SDS-PAGE (in duplicate) followed by immunoblotting either with anti-pY(416)Src (A) or anti-pY(507)Lyn (B). The same blot was reprobed with anti-HA to measure total Lyn. Quantification of phosphorylation of the tyrosine residues of Lyn normalized to Lyn-HA is provided in the respective panels. The experiment was repeated three times with similar observation. One representative data was quantified for illustration.